
Luxury Branding Photography

Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography
Luxury Branding Photography

Poses and Tips for BRANDING

Figure "A"
Figure B
Figure "C"

Fig "A"

The model in figure ‘A’ suggests that she is looking at something important regarding real estate investment that she or her family should consider. It could also suggest something related to buying and selling a property, good interests, and financing options. Therefore, she is suggested to take this photo with joy and a smile, as she is fabulous in the branding and marketing she is creating on her social networks.


La modelo de la figura “A” nos sugiere que esta viendo algo importante sobre la inversion de bienes y raices que ella o su familia deben hacer, como tambien podria sugerir algo relacionado con la compra y venta de una propiedad, intereses muy buenos y financiamientos, por eso se le sugiere hacer con alegria y sonrisa esta foto, ya que que es fabulosa en el branding y el marketing que esta creando en sus redes sociales.

Figure "B"

Fig "B"

Upon seeing this photo on social media and without reading the real estate agent’s post, we immediately imagine that he is an approachable and trustworthy agent who wants to assist you with buying or selling your home. His post might say something as simple as “I’ll help you with a quick and easy closing” or “Contact me for a consultation and let me assist you with the steps you need to invest in the United States.”


Al ver esta foto en la redes y sin leer el post del agente inmobiliario, inmediatamente nos inmaginamos que es un agente accesible y confiable que desea ayudarte con la compra o venta de tu casa, diciendote algo asi tan sencillo en su post que diria “te ayudo con un cierre rapido y facil” o “contactame para darte una consulta y asi ayudarte con los pasos que necesitas para invertir en los Estados Unidos.”

Figure "C"

Fig "C"

The model in this image could suggest being the buyer, seller, or even the agent who will assist you with something. The intention of this angle where the model looks upwards is to prompt her to think and make decisions, thus enabling you to help the portrayed client create their own marketing campaign where she herself suggests thinking or analyzing something. For example, “Should I invest now?” or “I would like to sell my house since the market is good for selling” or the agent is suggesting to the buyer or seller not to think any further or is encouraging them to dream about a new home.


La modelo de esta imagen puede bien sugerir ser la compradora, vendedora o la misma agente que te va a ayudar con algo, la intencion de este angulo donde la modelo mira hacia arriba es ponerla a pensar y asi tomar desiciones, de esta manera podras ayudar al cliente retratado a crear su propia campaña de marketing donde ella misma sugiere pensar o analizar algo. Por ejemplo, “Sera que debo invertir ahora”? o “me gustaria vender mi casa ya que el mercado esta bueno para vender” o el agente le esta sugiriendo al comprador o vendedor que no lo piense mas o le incentiva a soñar con una nueva casa.

Figure "A"
Figure B
Figure "C"

Fig "A"

The model in figure “A” suggests that we should think about posting something like “Have you seen the market lately for real estate investments that you or your family should consider?” It could also suggest something related to buying and selling a property, such as great interest rates and financing options. That’s why it’s suggested to take this photo with joy and a smile because she is fabulous at creating branding and marketing on her social networks.


La modelo de la figura “A” nos sugiere pensar para poner un post que digaya vistes I mercado bla bla blade
bienes y raices que ella o su familia deben hacer, como tambien podria sugerir algo relacionado con la compra y venta de una propiedad, intereses muy buenos y financiamientos, por eso se le sugiere hacer con alegria y sonrisa esta foto, ya que que es fabulosa en el branding y el marketing que esta creando en sus redes sociales.

Figure "B"

Fig "B"

Upon seeing this photo on social media and without reading the real estate agent’s post, we immediately imagine that they are an accessible and trustworthy agent who wants to assist you with buying or selling your home. Their post might say something as simple as “I help you with a quick and easy closing” or “Contact me for a consultation and let me assist you with the steps you need to invest in the United States.”


Al ver esta foto en la redes y sin leer el post del agente inmobiliario, inmediatamente nos inmaginamos que es un agente accesible y confiable que desea ayudarte con la compra o venta de tu casa, diciendote algo asi tan sencillo en su post que diria “te ayudo con un cierre rapido y facil” o “contactame para darte una consulta y asi ayudarte con los pasos que necesitas para invertir en los Estados Unidos.”

Figure "C"

Fig "C"

The model in this image could suggest being the buyer, seller, or even the agent who will assist you with something. The intention of this angle where the model looks upwards is to prompt her to think and make decisions, thus enabling you to help the portrayed client create their own marketing campaign where she herself suggests thinking or analyzing something. For example, “Should I invest now?” or “I would like to sell my house since the market is good for selling” or the agent is suggesting to the buyer or seller not to think any further or is encouraging them to dream about a new home.


La modelo de esta imagen puede bien sugerir ser la compradora, vendedora o la misma agente que te va a ayudar con algo, la intencion de este angulo donde la modelo mira hacia arriba es ponerla a pensar y asi tomar desiciones, de esta manera podras ayudar al cliente retratado a crear su propia campaña de marketing donde ella misma sugiere pensar o analizar algo. Por ejemplo, “Sera que debo invertir ahora”? o “me gustaria vender mi casa ya que el mercado esta bueno para vender” o el agente le esta sugiriendo al comprador o vendedor que no lo piense mas o le incentiva a soñar con una nueva casa.